[Rate revision]
The above prices include consumption tax.
The above prices are subject to change without notice.
The fee may vary depending on the performance.
STEP1 Please choose the date and time.
* The program might be a change in schedule or cancelled without a notice due to natural disasters and the machine maintenance.
STEP2 The number of the reservations
STEP3 Please input the information of the subscriber.
include international number.
Terms of payment
Required matter
* The bank transfer is by before last day of the reservation date.

Meals only include a water bottle Set(options:A.B.C.D.E)
F/Two Drinks option is separate from meal options.

You can only select one option per person.

No changes can be made once bento or drink option is confirmed.

We will not be able to fulfill requests of changes in number of guest right before the program.

We will not be able to fulfill requests of changes in number of guest right before the program.
Bank transfer
Here is the bank details.
The number of guests from 10 to 40, it is going to be group handling.
To the group guest we ask the bank transfer settlement by the day before last.
(It is front of the day when the payment day is Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.)
When we get confirmation of the payment, your reservation will be completed.
When we do not get confirmation of the payment, your reservation will be cancelled automatically.
We cannot refund the fees when you cancel (or number of people decrease) after payment. (Cancellation fees would be 100%.)

You cannot change the reservation date.
Please have your passport when you come to the restaurant.
There is the case that a performance becomes cancel or change without a prior notice.
In the case of cancellation, it should be repayment.
Due to the peak season in March and April, there are no online discounts available
Required matter
Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act

このサイトは、企業の実在証明と通信の暗号化のため、サイバートラストのサーバー証明書を導入しています。Trusted Web シールをクリックして、検証結果をご確認いただけます。


- 20歳未満の方へのアルコール提供はお断りさせていただいてます。
Alcohol is prohibited to those under the age of 20

- SAMURAI RESTAURANT TIMEはアダルトコンテンツを含んでおりません。
SAMURAI RESTAURANT TIME does not contain adult content

- 入場の際、スタッフにより泥酔していると判断した場合は、入場をお断りする場合がございます。
If our staff determine that you are drunk, we may refuse entry


Samurai Restaurant Time is one of the contents from GiraGiraGirls.
You would be considered a guest of GiraGiraGirls.

GiraGiraGirls strictly prohibits anyone under the age of 18 to enter.


Your ID will be checked when you arrive at the store, so please bring something that shows your age, such as a passport. If you do not have proof of your age, you may be refused entry.

Please note that we cannot accept any refunds or changes due to the customer's convenience.

If a performance is unavoidably canceled due to a natural disaster or equipment trouble, we will refund the payment amount to your credit card account.

If you miss the admission time, your reservation may be canceled

Contact information if you cannot arrive on time

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